Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Being off the grid and being unable to have internet or wifi or talk on cell phones, I am feeling really frustrated. For my few minutes in the town library here, I just want to update you. With God's lavish deliverance, I was able to crawl out of the darkness of depression, no meds needed. I praise Him for that. I started up on the chemo again 4 days ago after being off all drugs for a month. I am starting at less than half a dose and working up to half dose. I think I am going to make the choice to stay on half and not try a full dose again.

We are going to grandpuppy sit for a week in Mpls. Hope to connect with friends who live there.

Cold and rainy and cloudy June, but July has been warm and sunny. Hope you all are having a good summer. It is a third over already. Feel like I was under a rock for all of June. Just now seeing the sun again!


Hillside Steve said...

Praise God for answered prayer!
May you continue to see the sun and SON each and every day.

Unknown said...

God bless you sweet lady. My grand puppy just left after 3 nights with us.
Fun but she loves her " mama s sisters" and was overjoyed when they
Came back to get her. In my prayers daily. You are a very special lady. .